This meditation focuses on your own personal radiant purpose, whether you know what that purpose or mission is or not; we know it exists.
Krystal guides us through words and the talented, Barbara Dingen plays her magical crystal bowls.
While recording her bowls, Barbara focused on: ✨💎Channeling Cosmic Light with the frequency of Unconditional Love into the ground bed of Mother Earth💎✨
Barbara's main alchemy bowls are:
Moldavite- represents the light
Mt. Shasta- is grounding
Pink Ocean Gold- represents unconditional love
Barbara's Sound Healing practice is called Silence in Sound. It is such a gift to collaborate with her on this meditation, it is very special and I'm thrilled to share it with you. I’m here to light you up!! I’m envisioning you becoming the brightest light you can be.
Here is a little background about how Barbara and I connected. In November of 2021, Barbara and I both embarked on journey through Egypt. Barbara, journeyed from Belgium to meet up with our guide; I left from Seattle to Cairo. In Cairo, we came together with Sound Healing Tulum and 15 others to dive into the Egyptian Mystery School teachings and to use sound healing as a remembrance of this ancient land that we all had soul connections to. We had amazing experiences at each temple and the Nile River triggered memories deeply embedded through Lumeria and Atlantis. The skies above further connected us to Pleiadean Cosmic Beings that have been guiding humanity since Lumeria and Atlantis and beyond. In fact, it is beyond time; it is a timeless guidance. The trip was truly a pilgrimage. After the group left, Barbara and I found ourselves lingering in Cairo. We were able to discuss and discover how deep our connection was intertwined. This meditation is a culmination of many lifetimes working together.